4 Tips To Help You Create The Perfect Social Media Calendar Post

How to Use a Social Media Calendar to Kickstart Your Fashion Business Promotion

In Fashion Marketing, Mingle Marketing Minutes by Melissa Shea

A social media post may seem like something spontaneous but the truth is, social media requires more than spontaneity, especially if you’re promoting your fashion brand or blog. Organization is one of the keys to success and creating a social media post calendar can become an important task when devising a social media strategy.

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4 Tips to Help You Create a Social Media Calendar

Scheduling your posts will not only ease your workflow, but it will also guide you through the process of content creation.

  1. Date: Establish the peak hours and schedule your post around that time to guarantee engagement. Research the best time to post. For metrics and data on traffic, check Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics or Google Analytics. Keep in mind that every social media platform has different levels of traffic.
  2. Copy (caption): Keep the copy fun and relevant. Make sure you’re using the right words for SEO and the correct hashtags.
  3. Links: Use sites like bit.ly to reduce the length of your link and save caption space. You can also track how often your links were clicked or shared.
  4. Image: Whether you take the photo or use a stock photo, planning ahead will give you time to create compelling visuals that will generate clicks.

For social media post templates and more organizational tools, click on this article from Hootsuite. Want more Mingle Marketing Minutes delivered to your inbox? Join your Local Fashion Directory below.

About Melissa Shea

Melissa Shea is the co-founder of Fashion Mingle and has spent over 20 years in the creative industry fueled by a love of learning about the “next new thing”. Melissa has used her entrepreneurial passion and technology skills to develop an online platform for fashion professionals that will transform the future for local fashion communities.

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